Notizie da Afghanistan MMCC
Autumn of 2017
Dear friends, once again we are so happy to bring you more good news from Afghanistan.

Year after year we have been organizing these incredible festivals in Kabul, Herat, Bamyan, Nangarhar and Balkh in such a harsh environment and the places where children really need it so much. The festival means hundreds of happy young artists parading on the streets with colorful flags and juggling, workshops, theater, social circus performances, music, games and much more. Very often considering the security and different restrictions we have to modify and adjust the activities and sometimes even cancel some of the events but we never stopped the festivals. These festivals are collective therapies and strong references to peace in a country ravaged by war.
This year we had 12 days of festival in Kabul with hundreds of young artists performing for thousands of audience in different parts of the city such as public parks and streets.
Thank you all for supporting us, and special thanks to Linda Norgrove Foundation (www.LindaNorgroveFoundation.org)
Here you can see a short video of parts of the festival in Kabul: (Video) and also a BBC photo report (BBC Photo Report)
Polio Performance
Only 2 drops of Polio vaccine can save children from being handicap the whole life. We are proud of being part of eradicating Polio from Afghanistan by our informative, educative, and spectacular Shows. The project is supported by UNICEF and coordinated with the vaccinators on the field. In the show the audience get a comprehensive introduction to the polio virus and enough reasons to take it seriously and make the vaccinators’ job as easy and productive as possible. The show so far has been performed in Nangarhar, Kandahar, Kabul, Mazar, Khost and Bamyan.
The 2 snakes represent Polio which are destroyed by 2 drops of vaccine by the vaccinator during this entertaining educational show.
National Juggling Championship & IJA Regional Championship
This year additional to all of our juggling championships in the provinces and the National Juggling Championship in Kabul, we had the most prestigious international Juggling event in Kabul for the first time. IJA (International Jugglers’ Association) has been organizing Regional Championships around the world and for the first time in Afghanistan. This was such a great opportunity for our young artists to improve their skills and become connected with the global Juggling community. We together with Afghan Juggling Federation thank IJA and the director of IRC Erin Stephens who in her short stay in Afghanistan made plenty of workshops and inspired all the young champions from Kabul and provinces.
Also congratulation to Nadia & Rabia’s team from Kabul who are 2017 champions of IRC in Afghanistan and together with Farman from Nangarhar the winners of Group A of Afghanistan’s National Championship and all the other champions and participants.
Nutrition, Health & Lifestyle Performance
Gradually the public diet and lifestyles as well as the kinds of foods and medicines in the Afghan markets are changed. Therefore there is an emerging need of educating public on this new situation. Our latest developed educational performance comedy highlights the followings:
– Balanced nutritious healthy weekly diet
– Avoiding too much of oil in the food
– Importance of mothers’ milk
– Importance of sport & physical activities
This project is supported by WHO (World Health Organization) and so far has been performed in Kabul, Nangarhar, Herat and Balkh.
New Season in Gole-e-Sang Center
We have just started the new season’s classes, from English and Calligraphy to Photography, Theater, Gymnastic, Juggling and even Parkour. These classes give a unique opportunity to hundreds of girls and boys to discover their untamed potentials and gradually become the leaders of their communities. Most of the students are from underprivileged families such as families living in the IDP camps. Very often we hear success stories of how our resilience and pedagogy have inspired positive changes in so many lives. We have just had another goodbye party for one our IDP girls, this time the one who starts her higher education in the university in Kandahar!
All these and much more can only be happening with your support especially in the time when many of the resources are living Afghanistan. Please: Join US
Best Wishes,